The regular meeting of the Oswego Public Library board was called to order by president Nancy Korinek at 5:35 on January 21, 2020. Other board members in attendance were Carol McLeod, Paula Kern, Jan Owens, Susan Johnson, and secretary Kristin Redburn.
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
Library director, Heather Duke, reported the hiring of Mary Lynn White as a part time worker. Carol moved we start her at $8.00 an hour with raises to a maximum of $10 as determined by the director. The motion was seconded and carried. Heather reported that Parent as Teachers “Library Little’s” are requesting permission to buy a changing table for the meetings held at the library once a month. The board gave permission with the stipulation that it be a portable one. Heather stated the need for desk computer speakers and a new phone. The doors in the bathroom stalls also need to be repaired. Nancy will call Jesse to complete the work contracted, ie hanging of the TV. Heather will check into the possibility of Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library being sponsored through our library.
Paula moved that all bills approved via email and presented in the meetings from November 12 be formally approved. The motion was seconded. After discussion, Susan amended the motion to include the months of October, November, and December. The amendment was seconded and passed.
In unfinished business Jan moved the budget submitted and approved through email be formally approved. Motion was seconded and carried.
In new business Nancy reported that the air conditioning unit for the lower level has burned out, due to doors being open at the Haunted Library. The unit is over 20 years old and needs to be replaced. Jan and Nancy volunteered to head a committee to secure at least three bids for replacement of the unit.
Board members discussed attending the Trustee training “Keeping it Legal”.
Six members plan to attend.
Regular meetings for 2020 will be held May 12, August 11, and November 10.
After discussion of maintenance of the tile floors, Jan moved we contract with Floormasters of Altamont for the top scrub and recoat once a year, after the Haunted Library, and six months later a scrub and buff. The motion was seconded and carried.
Jan moved to adjourn. The motion was seconded and carried. The meeting was adjourned at 6:43.
Respectfully submitted,
Kristin Redburn, secretary