The regular meeting of the Oswego Public Library Board was called to order by president Nancy Korinek at 5:36 on May 12, 2020. Other board members in attendance were Carol McLeod, Paula Kern, Jan Owens, Susan Johnson, and secretary Kristin Redburn.
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
Library director, Heather Duke,reported that the Dolly Parton Imagination Library is available and would cost around $399 to begin and a possible $2888 by year five. Discussion included contacting Friends of the Oswego Library and Neosho PTO for possible aid. Jan moved to go ahead with the project. The motion was seconded and carried. Susan and Kris were appointed to head a committee to proceed.
The summer reading program will be a virtual experience this year. The State Library has paid for Reader’s Zone. Summer Reading will be from June 1-July 30. Paula moved to proceed with this plan for Summer reading and that Heather notify Cody that he will not be needed this summer. Motion was seconded and passed.
The old air conditioning unit was repaired, but still needs to be replaced.
Curbside check-out began May 5 and is going well. The library director will determine when it is safe to allow patrons to enter the library again.
Paula moved that all bills approved via email and presented in the meetings from January to April be formally approved. The motion was seconded. Motion carried.
Nancy and Paula audited our books and reported the audit to the city.
Jan reported that Teel is not interested in replacing the air conditioner. She and Nancy will continue to contact providers to solicit bids.
Kris moved the board go into executive session for five minutes to discuss salaries to be paid during the virus stay-at-home orders. The executive session was from 6:21-6:26. No action was taken.
Nancy reported that Zoom has been approved as a forum in compliance with the open meetings law.
Paula moved to adjourn. The motion was seconded and carried. The meeting was adjourned at 6:49.
Respectfully submitted,
Kristin Redburn, secretary